Sofia Felice Sanchez

Oh Hi!
It's my second birthday party.

Mom let me wear this costume dress.
Isn't it pretty?.

So okay. Let's look at what I've
been up to since November and
then come back to the party.

November 2009

Are you ready to go?

Isa and I have fun in the tub.

She's a great big sister

Check this out Grandma.

I am a big girl now.

What does chocoholic mean?.

I love popcorn and a good movie.

Just a minute.
I am cleaning house.

It sounds scary Isa.

This is not scary.

I don't have an Easter

What you doing Papi?.

I need a snack until dinner is ready.

A few Tostidos will do
just fine.

Eggs are easy to find.

I must have a hundred of them.

There's another one.

Mom! I'm finding alot of eggs.

I am 2.

I had fun on Bounceville.

So did Isa.

Everyone did.

Isa! What has Papi got?.

Can we touch it?.

If you'd like to.

Let's get out of here.!

Uncle Ryan liked the
bubble blower.

He never tried the

Now I see why.

Where did you get the food
Aunt Christine.

Whoa! Everyone has
food but me..

After we ate we tried the Pinata.

Nora was lame.

But Abuela whomped it.

I had a little trouble
waiting for my turn.

Christian finnally broke it.

Tons of candy fell out.

The kids came from

Like sharks in a
feeding frenzy.

Its time for the big event.

I know what to do this year.

Two blows, not bad.

Who is cutting the cake.

Here, I'll help.

Not bad icing.

I'll bet the cake is great.

I think they are forgetting someone.

Links to the older pictures:


Birth Day

0-4 Months

5-8 Months

To 1yr.-0mo.

To 1yr.-6mo.

Copyright Dale Thompson,
June 9, 2010 through
last revision on June 11, 2010.